One of the most practical tips on relationships that Jesus has ever offered us can be found in today’s gospel lesson: “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house.”
Why are prophets without honor and recognition among people they have known since they were young? Is it because these people know who they really are, or because they believe that the prophets are the same as they used to be and there’s no expectation that they have changed? Probably yes to all these questions. But the heart of the matter lies in their rejection of any change that has taken place in the lives of the prophets. Their narrative might go like this: “I cannot accept that you’ve changed so radically when I remain the same. I still remember who you used to be, and don’t you act ‘holier than thou’ to me!” Has anyone experienced this unwelcome or unaccepting response from those you’ve known for a while when you shared your insights that demonstrate you’ve developed and matured spiritually? In Jesus’ case, those who have known him and are from his neighborhood are clearly rejecting this radically new image of Jesus and his words and behaviors. So, they say, “Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands! Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?” They are upset that he has changed so much. In their eyes, he should be, and still is, one of them—uninteresting, undistinguished, and unvaried. Now he’s trying to be someone else. After all, their reactions say more about who they are rather than who Jesus was or truly is. Jesus has changed, and they haven’t yet. At this point, let’s look into what changes have occurred in Jesus. They can see the wisdom in him and the skillful deeds he performs. He does what he teaches and teaches what he does. This is the power of his thoughts, words, and deeds. This consistency shines through him, which his old friends and neighbors can see but don’t want to accept as a source of their own change. The source of Jesus’ radical transformation is from within. He proclaims what he experiences within. That’s the good news he is so determined to share with all. The presence of God is already planted. It is patiently waiting to be seen, cultivated, and developed. This act of seeing, cultivating, and developing is nothing but the change of the heart that searches within, not without. Unfortunately, his old neighbors and friends aren’t yet ready to look within. A sense of envy gets in their way of the presence of God within. They close their boundaries out of jealousy and isolate themselves with walls of ignorance. When our emotional and spiritual boundaries are closed, there’s no learning. This defense of boundaries may feel like protecting ourselves, but one ends up being locked up in one’s own world. Jesus isn’t accepted in his hometown. His disciples are sent and are also expected to be rejected. When the teaching of God’s inner presence is refused, Jesus tells them to shake off their feet. This shouldn’t be perceived as a mark of God’s rejection of them but as a sign to return to them. Now, let’s narrow today’s lesson down to ourselves. Is there a part of you that doesn’t accept the change that the presence of God brings to your mind? Is there a voice that says, “You’re always like that. Don’t even bother changing yourself. Don’t try to be someone who is not you!” Or is there a voice that discourages you from praying, contemplating, and meditating? If so, shake off the dust. Put a post-it on that part and continue to cultivate the part of you that sees and experiences the inner presence of God. This is the holy work you can do for yourself and others. The more we convince and change those parts of ourselves that are not willing to be transformed by the Breath of God, the more we become whole, holistic, and holy, radiating the divine light from within. |
Paul" up your love to that cloud [of unknowing]...let God draw your love up to that cloud...through the help of his grace, to forget every other thing." Archives
January 2025