Today’s gospel lesson shows Jesus’ strategy of evangelism. There are a couple of things that stand out for me. (I would also like you to think about what stands out for you and share if you can in our Sunday worship.) Let me break down his tactic.
1. The main objective of evangelism: Proclaim the gospel, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” 2. Background information of this evangelism initiative: Jesus cannot physically go to all the places on his own. He selects seventy disciples and sends them in pairs. We know it’s easier to do things together than alone. 3. Materials to prepare: Nothing. No purse, no bag, and no sandals, meaning all you need is your presence of the gospel. No talk at all on the way as if there’s no time and this evangelism should be done with utmost urgency. 4. Peaceful approach: Share peace, “Peace to this house!” Notice it’s not about “Fear everyone, for God’s judgment day is coming.” It’s the peace of Christ that one approaches others. No harmful intentions. Always goodwill, compassion, and empathic joy. 5. Actions to two different responses when received or rejected by people
6. Warning: Don’t be conceited and prideful in case you are able to be well-received by people and perform all the miracles. Jesus doesn’t deny all the wonderful work of healing his disciples have done but what matters most is for them to continue to rejoice that their names are written in heaven. This means to rejoice that the kingdom of God has found them. Never cease to cultivate the kingdom of God in you. Having reflection on Jesus’ tactic of evangelism, what are your thoughts? Are you able to do this or is this something that someone else should do? If we focus on performing miracles such as curing the sick and casting out demons, we may not be so interested in joining this campaign of Jesus’ movement and this task seems impossible. But what about your presence of the inner peace that is arising from your discovery of God’s kingdom in the very depth of your being? What if that presence is the only requirement for those who are spiritually, physically, and mentally suffering? Our presence can be a channel to enkindle God’s peace that is already residing in them. Even if they don’t acknowledge this, we wish them that God’s inner kingdom finds them at some point in their lives. While we can share our presence of God’s peace with them, it’s their sacred duty to invigorate the inner kingdom of God in themselves. My friends in Christ, I hope to see what Jesus saw: “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning.” That Satan falling from heaven is the disappearance of avarice, aversion, fear, anxiety, and despair in people’s hearts, in our world. We’re in this ministry of evangelism together. We can make a difference in our world of violence as we ourselves persistently contemplate the inner kingdom of God in Christ. We have Jesus’ strategy. Will you join him? |
Paul" up your love to that cloud [of unknowing]...let God draw your love up to that cloud...through the help of his grace, to forget every other thing." Archives
January 2025